Are You Ready for Some Football?

Mary Canary calls an audible.

I can hear you now, “Floozy, it’s baseball season, are your Rangers doing that bad?” Maybe the Rangers are in a slump (ok, they’re tanking), but CVL, the science fiction football game from Two Hour Wargames is about to be released in a couple of weeks. The release is so close that the Floozy obtained a final draft of the rules for review, and she can hear Bocephus singing that famous refrain “Are you ready for some football?”

Though the rules are exciting, I’ll be doing a play through of the rules in future posts as we get closer to the release date, but in this post, I’ll be talking about the teams, and I’ll build the rosters for my first two teams – the Nightshade Elves and the Bedlam Bunnies.

The game comes with counters for six different teams of twelve players each. That means you have enough teams to play a complete season. Each team consists of 2 quarterbacks, 4 linemen, 5 backs, and a scrawny kicker. Of the 12 players, only 7 can be on the field at any time.

Each counter has the player’s Rep and primary position printed on the counter. Note that each player has a “primary position” but can play in other positions. The most versatile is the Back who can play as a receiver, running back, blocking back, or quarterback on offense and as a linebacker, safety or even a blitzing lineman on defense.

Your role in the game is that of head coach, offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator and general manager all wrapped in one, much like the coach of a six-man football team of a rural Texas High School, only you don’t have to drive the bus.

My Teams

The game can also be played with miniatures and there are many 28mm fantasy/sci-fi football miniatures available from several manufacturers because over the years there have been several football games released. My two teams have been in the lead pile for a good two decades. I bought them long ago to play Blood Bowl with my son. Well, that didn’t happen. Around ten years ago, Two Hour Wargames released QWIK, which I thought would be a good use for the football players – I managed to paint a half dozen of them before my attention span went to other THW games. But now, they are all finally painted and ready for a game.

The Bedlam Bunnies
The Elfen Nightshades

The figures are from Shadowforge, an Australian company, and are available from Eureka Miniatures. I bought the Wicked Elf and the Bunny teams. I also purchased some of the accessory figures – cheerleaders, coaches, referees, etc. The Shadowforge Gridiron range has several delightful sculpts and I would like to someday collect the entire range.

The Three “Bimbos” – Moesha, Laura, & Curly Sue
The Staff – Trainer, Head Coach, Medic

Bedlam Bunnies Team Roster – Women’s Developmental League

Mary CanaryQuarterbackBasic4
Voluptuous VeraQuarterbackBasic3
Greta KachowskiBackBasic4
Sluefoot SueBackBasic4
Marsha MellowBackBasic3
Peppermint PattyBackBasic3
Rachel RatchetBackBasic3
Edna SnoozeLinemanBasic4
Bouncing BettyLinemanBasic4
Carla FrigidaireLinemanBasic3
Loose LouiseLinemanBasic3
Jojo KinkKickerBasic3
Winifred WhimseyCoachBasicNA
Tina CabooseTrainerBasicNA
Nurse NancyMedicBasicNA
Curly SueCheerleaderBasicNA
Kicker & Quarterbacks

Elfen Nightshades Team Roster – Women’s Developmental League

Elvira NightshadeQuarterbackElf4
Myra Morning GlowQuarterbackElf3
Trissa la FeyBackElf4
Sylvia SlipknotBackElf4
Striking VioletBackElf4
Brissia BrambleBackElf4
Callie Yellow FlowerBackElf3
Daisy DukeLinemanElf4
Daria DhaliaLinemanElf3
Juliet DreamcatcherLinemanElf3
Lucky LucilleLinemanElf3
Lola TwisterKickerElf4
Sonja NightmareCoachElfNA
Trixie TulipTrainerElfNA
Trainer & Coach

Next time we’ll look at the Game Tracker, the Field and how the game flows. As always, your comments are most certainly welcome. Let me know what you think, and if you like the blog consider supporting it with a small donation.


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Are you ready for some football post.

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