Cyberpunk Terrain Set

I’m preparing for the Lone Star Game Expo, a local game convention scheduled for September 30th through October 2nd. I’ll be running six sessions of a game, two for each day.

The name of my game is “Escape from Hadley’s Hope” using the 5150 Star Army Total War rules from Two Hour Wargames. I’ve already painted seventeen Xenomorphs and yesterday, I finished assembling the first 2′ x 2′ section of terrain. To get the claustrophobic feel of the “Aliens” movie, I chose to use heavy card terrain from Battle Systems. The first set to arrive is the Cyberpunk Terrain.

The Cyberpunk Terrain is actually the same terrain used in Battle Systems’ RPG Core Space starter set. To make the terrain look more like scenes from the movie, I did not apply any of the cyberpunk signage.

Here are pictures of the completed board section. I may change the configuration some as I build the other boards.

Next up are the heroes of Hadley’s Hope, which should come off of the painting table in the next day or two.

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Cyberpunk Terrain Set Post

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